Monday, January 30, 2012

Mondays with Mr. Miles #11

I got a nifty new camera for Christmas and so I have been "playing" with it somewhat. Kali, my talented little photographer, has been trying to teach me a little bit of stuff here and there.  You really should go check out her cute new website.  So anyway, I went over to play with little Miles one day not too long after Christmas and was so surprised that he would actually sit still on my lap long enough to get a photo. Trust me though, it didn't last long.  This was the only photo of a bunch that actually turned out.

"A grandchild is a gift from above ... one to cherish and to love."
"A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty."
"Grandparents and grandchildren are God's gift to each other."
"You Put the Grand in Grandma."
"Whenever I see you I have an uncontrollable urge to fling open my arms, excitedly shout your name and scoop you up."


Unknown said...

What a doll he is! Have fun learning your new photography skills on your new camera!

The Hungry Runner Girl said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! You really are so beautiful and that little grandson of yours is the cutest thing in the world! Okay, seriously....when can you do froyo this week or next? I want to hear all about your rainy half:)

Doran & Jody said...

Such cuteness

Jerilee E. said...

He is too cute!! I am in no hurry for my kids to grow up, but I think being a grandma will be wonderful!

wendy said...

That picture is marvelous.
and I LOVE all the cute saying about grandparenting and grandchildren.
Yup..I'd have to say I agree with them all.