Saturday, July 17, 2010

Your and You're

I consider myself a pretty easy going person. I don't get my feathers ruffled easily.  So why should I care so much about the use of this word?  I cringe every time I see it used incorrectly.  It's actually pretty simple to get straight.  If you can say "you are" in a sentence then you must use you're, not your.  The word your shows ownership and simply doesn't work for this sign, unless it read "Your smile is on camera".  That would have worked.  I saw this sign at a professional establishment and was surprised that even the company who was hired to make the sign couldn't get it right.  What is up with that?
Okay, my feathers are calm now.  Have a delightful day.


Audrey said...

That really bothers me also! Another thing that drives me crazy is when people use double negatives!

tiki_lady said...

LOL, nice!

Annette Lyon said...

I twitched too. *shudder*

Kimberly said...

I SOOO get this annoyance! I hate it when I see things like that! Its pretty ridiculous!

Roxy and Tommy said...

KALI!!!!!!!! You are the only person in this whole world who shares my irritation with this. I am constantly complaining about things like this. Especially when they are posted for the public!

Jenny said...

I am actually glad that you shared that with everyone. I know (not afraid to admit) that I have missed used your, you're and you are many times in my blogging history. I am making a note of it and hope "not" to make that mistake again.

LyndiLou said...

UG. Lovely. :P

Launi said...

We saw a billboard on the side of the freeway once that said, "Keep going--your almost there..."

Oh, man--she nearly got in a wreck. That kind of thing makes her so mad. So, my dear, you're not alone.