Upon opening his scriptures a paper fell out and this is what it reads:
Elder Rex D.Pinegar, then a member of the Presidency of the Seventy, said: "Over the years the prophets have taught that at least twice a day, morning and evening, we should find a private place, kneel down, and pour out our hearts to our Father in Heaven. Then, throughout the day, we can do our best to keep a prayer in our hearts. As we do, if our hearts are right, we will find that our prayers have increased power and focus, and we'll discover that we're in a better position to receive answers"
Elder Gene R. Cook, a member of the Seventy, said: "The peace God speaks to our minds will let us know when decisions we have made are right, when our course is true. It can come as personal inspiration and guidance to assist us in our daily life-in our homes, in our work. It can provide us with courage and hope to meet the challenges of life. The miracle of prayer, to me, is that in the private, quiet chambers of our minds and hearts, God both hears and answers prayers."
These quotes are powerful, and I felt a lot of peace in reading them. What I appreciated even more was the fact that this piece of paper was important enough to Porter for him to have it inside his scriptures.
I love you Porter♥