Friday, September 30, 2011

Porter's 20th Birthday-September 13th

Dearest Porter, Even though you aren't with us today we still honor you and will every year until we see you again.
We celebrated your birthday this year on a lot more quiet scale compared to last year when we had that big concert and party in the back yard.  We went to Subway and everyone got a nice huge sandwich for dinner.  We took it up to Dry Canyon with the intent to eat it at the really nice resting place where all the rocks are on the trail.  Well, some of us were just too hungry while waiting for everyone to arrive and so we ate in the parking lot.  Little Miles just loves to run around and laugh and play and so that's exactly what he did instead of eat.
Once everybody arrived we hiked up the trail, taking turns carrying little Miles and trying to hurry to beat the daylight, and then the others who didn't eat yet did so as we rested. 
Grandma and Miles loves you Porter
Cooper and Miles loves you Porter
Mama and Miles (who is watching Jordan like a hawk playing with a grasshopper) loves you Porter
Jordan, Mark, Susette, Miles, Kali, Cooper all love you the whole world Porter.

And then a nice lone hiker was coming down the trail and offered to take our picture with everyone in it.
After the food was consumed we headed over to the base of the cliff where your special rock has been in the ground now exactly one year, the spot daddy put it on your 19th birthday. 
I'm so glad it's still there and it's nice to see greenery growing around it.
At this point it is getting darker by the minute and we decide to head back down the trail to the parking lot.  This photo shows the valley, the lake, and the sunset.  A beautiful combination on a birthday hike in your memory.
Kali gathered some wild sunflowers and wrapped a stem and leaves around them to hold them together. We drove over to your grave and visited you there for a little bit. I like to think that you were just with us the entire evening everywhere we went as we talked about you and shared fond memories of you.
Miles once again doesn't like to hold still and toddled on over to a grave with this cool dragonfly that kept changing colors.  Maybe we should get one for your grave as well. 

After hiking, eating, and visiting your grave we still wanted to be together and what birthday is complete without ice cream?
We went to Farr's and enjoyed some free samples and nice big heapings of deliciousness.  Of course, little Mr. Miles is now ready to eat.  This happy little guy never passes up the goodies.
We still think about you every single day and miss you more than words can express.  I hope you got to celebrate your birthday in heaven too. We love you Porter♥♥♥♥


Unknown said...

Such a sweet way to celebrate his birthday. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Brittany said...

Happy birthday cute Porter! When Cooper and I went up there it was so peaceful, well until Cooper started To sing his "it's Friday" song.
He is missed so much! I'm so glad i got to know him. You raised such an amazing boy! Love you susette!

Alana said...

the commonalities betweent our losses are a little interesting. my sister who passed away in march of 2000, just had her 27th birthday in september. what a sweet party to remember your sweet boy. we still get together to celebrate the would-be birthdays too :)

Jenny Lynn said...

Very heart warming way to celebrate Porter. So glad the rock was still right where it should be.