If you have followed my blog for awhile you know that our son Porter loved to hike. He was good at it and did it often. This hike to the bomber on the back side of Mount Timpanogos is one of the hikes he enjoyed doing and did it multiple times when he was alive. I had never been to this particular destination on this mountain yet, and I wanted to go see for myself what Porter enjoyed. My son Cooper wanted to go as well. So, Mark, myself, and Cooper decided to spend a Saturday in memory of Porter and take this hike.
Here we are bright and early around 6:15 am ready to start the long trip up the mountain. |
This is a view about a couple hours into the hike looking up to where we are headed. Just below where the clouds and the mountains meet is the point we are trying to get to.
Here is a photo zoomed in a little bit. As you can see it's rough terrain and there really is a trail, even though you can't see it. At a certain point the trail ends and then it's just hiking through rocks and foliage to get to the bomber engine. |
This hike was so incredibly hard and I'm one that usually enjoys this mountain and looks forward to hiking it. This time it was full of challenges, scares, and moments I don't want to remember. I do feel very lucky to be back down off the mountain and safe. I am a firm believer in the power of prayer, and think Porter was watching over us as well. |
The first thing we did when we finally made it to the bomber was to sit down and rest and get some strength into our bodies. As you can see I love food and brought just about every color under the rainbow to chow down on. |
I did save some of this for later although I can put away a good sized meal!
After some rest and refueling we checked out the engine and took lots of photos and talked about Porter and his crazy love of this hike. Porter liked engines and was always tinkering around with something engine-related as he was growing up. |
This is just one of the many pieces of engine scattered all over this mountain. Porter had taken a photo of himself with a half circle of this same part when he was here. |
After all this engine inspection and engine talk it was time to head to another part of the engine which was a bit further down the hill. That's where the hike got really scary for me which involved falling down a few times and rocks rolling down the mountain and my dear husband trying to help me and then falling himself. After stopping and having a prayer and then continuing ever so slowly we made it to the other part of the engine which is shown here.
The hike from these engines over to where we meet up with the trail again was less than a mile but took us over an hour to get to. Once down on safe terrain I was able to relax and enjoy the rest of the hike down the mountain. I will say I am glad I made this journey but it is definitely a trail I will not visit again. ONCE was enough for me. This was actually the second time my dear husband had hiked this route and I was just in complete awe that he was willing to go again and take us here. He's my hero!